The voting phase of the Possible Futures Film ! Сarnival viii

 Here is our invitation to the storytellers of the world: 

  Make a short film that Inspires us.

Moves us.

Gives us something to believe in.

Amazing!!! Nice reading!I am most thankful for your thoughtful note, comments.welcome to visit a new page - our invitation to the storytellers of the world.....

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Тема письма:
Текст сообщения *:
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wild and beautiful


thanks so much for your appreciation and warmth!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


  Ru lang            Сarnoval viiiyou are welcome to visit my

 Last ...

Early work


new  page is a photo and art community for artists and photographers of all skill levels.                                                             You can also sell your art and photographs commission free.    


$30K Enter Your Film By June 21: Yes, You Can!
Сarnival viii "> приглашение сказочников мира


Сarnoval viii


Create your film of a positive future on your cell phone or Flip camera! FUTURES,Сarnoval viii,AWARD,POSSIBLE


Welcome to the 1 Minute Vimeo Project Group
Add one video, comment on two!
Thank you for these useful tips!
( a subscription through this link will be tracked so that you get me & smileyour commission.)
great app !!!!!!!your commission..........

fans are encouraged to create and submit Animoto videos featuring songs from top established and up-and-coming bands for a chance to win $1000 and a spot on, or one of ten SPIN magazine subscriptions and All-Access passes to Animoto........................

With the chaos of everyday life consuming our senses, it is nice to sit back and enjoy moments and experiences that are often overlooked. This project aims to study the forgotten moments and times in life that we often pass by without acknowledging.

The rules:
-Video must be exactly one minute long
-No camera movement (no panning, tilting, etc)
-No editing whatsoever
-Use original sound
-Tag with '1 minute'


problems, solved, during 2012 - photo or video taken on a mobile device

What urgent problem or need do you foresee becoming especially important in 2012? Submit a compelling photo or video taken on a mobile device that reflects the World in 2012...... specific and immediate needs where an individual can make a big difference in the coming year. We are interested in problems that could be feasibly solved during 2012. 
рай для гурманов! .
sample smile 
Videos must have a resolution of at least 640x480 pixels; 
submissions should be uploaded at native resolution (the highest resolution possible for the source device). 

Acceptable formats for photos include: JPEG, TIFF and EPS files. 

Video formats are limited to: AVI, Quicktime, MPEG-1 or MPEG-4.

If a video is included in the submission, it must run for 30 seconds or less. 
Video beyond the first 30 seconds may be ignored.

  ways of thinking , feeling and acting........


a useful link -  KISS  :)   


Lights by Ellie Goulding (AFK & DKS Remix) by



We've gathered a personalized selection of sites we think you'll like, enjoy!

Просмотров: 528 | Добавил: Администратор | Дата: 05.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Просмотров: 525 | Добавил: Администратор | Дата: 15.06.2011 | Комментарии (0)

<br><a href="" title="Сarnival viii" >Сarnival 
viii</a>"> Yes, You Can!</a>

Просмотров: 595 | Добавил: Администратор | Дата: 12.06.2011 | Комментарии (0)

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